Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Buffalo Schools Closed
To illustrate how bad it was, this morning (around four) while Janna and I were laying in bed listening to the wind she said, "I just keep waiting for the roof to get blown off." She was of course referring to the potential of a tornado passing through.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Updated Pictures and a Clock

These pictures of Anna were taken during this last week. She is now six weeks old, and as you can see, she has been eating well. Make sure to look at the video of Alyssa and Anna at the end of this blog.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Snowy Day: By Alyssa
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Some Random Thoughts About the Sports Teams That I Care About
I really do not know where to begin with the Jazz. They started off the season in a similar fashion to last year, but then December came and things fell apart. It appears that they are missing Derek Fisher a little more than I thought they would. Here are some of my thoughts:
Andre Kirilenko: AK is having a very good season. By bringing in Jeff Hornecek, the Jazz have extended a helping hand to one of their most talented, and emotional players. It appears that the move has been a success, if you don't believe me check out AK's stats. His field goal percentage is about the same that it always has been, but his three point percentage has jumped to 35% (which is better than Memo's 34%) and he is having a career year for assists.
Memo Okur: I have to ask, is this guy injured? Not only has his shooting percentage dropped dramatically, but he is not rebounding all that well either.
Carlos Boozer: This guy is a monster on offense and the boards, I just wish that he was on defense too.
Deron Williams: He is well on his way to becoming a great point guard, and his competitive nature is special. The only criticism I can offer is to cut down on the turnovers, especially late in games.
The rookies: The 7-1 Kyrylo Fesenko looks like he could end up being the steal of this draft. I think that he will eventually take Memo's starting job from him because of his size, his defense, and his effort. Morris Almond has been tearing up the D-league, hopefully his game will eventually make the transition to the NBA.The rest of the team: They need Matt Harpring for more than his allotted playing time, Paul Milsap needs more minutes, Ronnie Brewer should be up for the most improved player award, and CJ Miles has finally proven that he can play. The trade for Kyle Korver was a brilliant move.

The outlook for next year will vary depending on the source you read. Some people are talking about a BCS busting season, but I personally have a hard time believing that it will happen next year. If I am correct, BYU will be losing eight of their defensive starters from this year, including all of their linebackers and secondary. I personally believe that their best chance to break into the BCS will be in two years, when Hall, Collie, and Pita will all be seniors.
Bronco is finally letting go of the reigns, at least a little bit. Jaime Hill

It is possible that Smith will be better then I am giving him credit for, considering that the first two problems I mentioned can have a significant impact on his effectiveness.

The bad: The Miami Dolphins 1-15 season, need I say more.
The Ugly: This section has to go to Dan Le Batard, a Miami Herald sports columnist, who occasionally appears on ESPN's show Pardon the Interruption. In less then 50 seconds he bashes Mormons, Samoans, and Mexicans (according to him, the huddle of the United Nations), all while not answering Tony Kornheiser's question. He also wrote an article concerning the Dolphin's poor season, and Coach Cam Cameron getting fired. The edited version can be found online at the Miami Herald's website. The unedited section of his article can also be found online.
Dan Le Batard's Comments on ESPN's Pardon the Interuption
What is this guy talking about? Is he attempting to offend as many people as he can in under 50 seconds, or is he just trying to get fired?
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A Little Something for Kiersten

This is a picture that I took of the Mississippi River from the Joseph Smith Family Cemetary this summer on our trip to New York.
Love ya Kiersten, I hope this helps.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A Quick Update, a Video, and Some Photos

Janna and the girls after our Danish feast.
This is a picture of Janna and Anna in front of our well used Christmas tree.

This picture was taken shortly after we had Christmas online with my Mom.