Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Ambrey!

Ambrey celebrated her sixth birthday by having a Dinosaur Train themed party. She has always been enthralled by the monster type creature, but her love for these creatures has increased since she discovered the TV show Dinosaur Train.
Girls with their Dinosaur masks on.
One of the games that they played was musical chairs.

They also had a blast beating a piñata, but had even more fun when the candy spilled out onto the ground! Poor dinosaur, left for dead.

Paige and Haley entertained the girls with their balloon animals. Ambrey's favorite was of course the T-Rex that they made for her.

This is Janna's most detailed cake ever: "The Dinosaur Train."

The end of a masterpiece.

Happy Birthday Ambrey #2

Anna beat everyone to the cake!

Happy Birthday to Ambrey!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Harry Potter Party!

In attendance for the Harry Potter festivities (from left to right): Sonya, Maria, Alyssa, Ambrey, and Jenna. For a couple of months Alyssa and I have been reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I promised that when we finished we could have a little party and watch the movie. We had homemade pizza, movie style popcorn, root beer, Bertie Bott's Ever Flavor Beans, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, and Jelly Belly's for those of us not courageous enough to try Bertie's beans.
This is a picture of the girls with Billie the Buffalo in front of Williamsville South High School.
We came here because Flat Jacob needed to have his picture taken somewhere in Buffalo, so we brought him here. We thought about Niagara Falls but we were concerned that all of the water might be hazardous to his health.
Alyssa and Ambrey before church.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Anna's First Dental Visit

Anna had her first dental check up today. Janna tried to help out by offering the hygienist a second target in case she was unable to clean Anna's teeth.

Here is a little footage of it. As you can see, the visit was really effective... or was it?

All done at the dentist, and what a pretty smile she has.