On the night of October 15th, 2007, Tiffany Denise Moller-Knudsen passed from this world into the loving arms of her heavenly father. For those of us who were fortunate enough to have known her in this life, she will always be remembered as one of the greatest examples of endurance, patience, love, and kindness.
Memories and thoughts
From Ambrey Lynne: Ambrey was unable to give us anything intelligible, so we will give you some memories. Ambrey loved to kiss Tiff. She also loved to look at the scars on Tiffany’s legs and inform her that she had an owie (Tiffany would then inform Ambrey that she already knew this). Ambrey also loved to ride around in Tiffany’s Jazzy (motorized chair). Perhaps most of all, Ambrey loved to talk to Tiffany on the phone.
From Alyssa Denise: Thank you for letting me spend time with you early in the mornings. It was fun to sit with you and watch TV (Food Network).
[We lived with Tiffany for about six months before moving to New York, and during those months Janna would send Alyssa up to check on Tiffany every morning. Often times Alyssa would make Tiffany breakfast and then not return to us for hours. She spent that time well, helping Tiffany with anything that she needed, talking with her, and watching TV. Alyssa cherished the one-on-one time she had with her aunt. Tiffany she misses you, but when we told her what had happened she was happy to learn that you can walk again.]
From Josh (a.k.a. Nerd): I first met Tiffany more than ten years ago. My initial impression of her was that she was soft spoken, kind, fun, and competitive. Throughout the years there was never any strife between us. We referred to each other as Nerd (me) and Brat (Tiff), but never in a negative connotation (smiles and laughing usually followed this). In her later years, it is a shame that I have to refer to her early 30’s as later years, her body finally succumbed to the disease that she had been plagued with since she was a young child. During these trials Tiffany was the model of perseverance, endurance, and patience. She loved life, even when she spent so much of her later years ill. Thank you for your example, your friendship, and most of all, for being you. Brat (I am sorry if anyone finds this inappropriate, but Tiff would be smiling right about now), I love you and I miss you.
From Janna: To all of those who visited and helped to watch over Tiffany while she was ailing, I would like to say thank you. I wish that I could tell each of you individually about how you impacted my life through your service. I know that Tiffany appreciated all of your kindness and efforts on her behalf. We miss her terribly, but we also know that she is happy and whole once again. Tiff I love you, and I already miss all of our phone calls. Thank you for choosing to be my sister here on Earth and throughout eternity. Love Janna

From Janna to Tiff, with love:
Tiff’s obituary: