Before I say or do anything else I need to apologize about the quality of the photos. Janna took the camera with her, so I had to use my phone. This first photo is suppose to be of Janna and Ambrey at the airport. Good luck picking them out, it is kind of like a real life "Where's Waldo" picture, only the picture quality is terrible. They left on the 6th to go home to visit with family. In case you are reading this, "hi hon, we love and miss you (and Boo too)." Yes that's right, Alyssa is stuck with dad. She missed Janna the first night, but she hasn't mentioned her in a while (like maybe 30 minutes). Alyssa had to stay because she started school this week. When she came home today the first thing she told me was that she had homework, and she was smiling while she said it. It must be great to be clueless.

This is a picture of Alyssa getting onto the school bus for her second day of school. Sorry about the sun.

This is a picture of Alyssa the morning after Janna left. I am proud to say that this is the best hairdo have ever done on a girl. Sure it doesn't look even, but look how tight that pony tail is!
Jeremy sent me an email with a link to a website that will estimate how long you will live. According to poodwaddle, my real age is 11.5 years old, and since the average life expectancy is 74 years, I supposedly can expect to live until I am 90.5 years old. Try it, it's kind of fun.
It's a good sign that she's excited to have homework. The longer she likes school, the better.
I agree. We have been working pretty hard trying to get/keep her excited about school. I just hope that it lasts. We try to put a pretty big emphasis on education.
Nice to know there are some parents that actually care about their children's education. Study after study shows that more education results in a more satisfying life.
Speaking of which, I just calculated my real age. I'm not sure how accurate it is because I had to guess on a couple of questions. According to that my real age is 18.6 and I can expect to live until I'm 86....unless Earth gets hit by an asteroid.
The problem anymore is that people don't truly think that their kids' education is important. I'm always having kids absent because of a baseball game, or a kid late because they wanted to sleep in (three days in a row). And even if they tell their kids otherwise, the kids pick up on what the parents really think. So it's a breath of fresh air to see people who really do care about their kids' education.
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