Ever considered visiting Niagara Falls? Do it in the summer. I have been there twice, both times within the last year. The first time that I went it was about seven months ago near the end of January. I traveled out to Buffalo with my friend David for our school interviews. While in Buffalo we decided to visit Niagara Falls. The falls were amazing. The weather however, was brutal. It was freezing, humid, and the falls cause a continuous mist, which makes it all worse. I took a picture of a fence and the pay-binoculars because they were covered with at least an inch of ice. I would post the pictures, but somehow I lost them.

We crossed the boarder on foot, walked through some of the shops (most of which sold maple syrup and various items that were adorned with pictures of the Mounties), and had lunch. If you are looking for a haunted house, visit Canada sometime. We walked around a large block and passed by no less than four of five of them.

I had the opportunity to return to the falls this summer with Janna, Alyssa, Ambrey, Chris, Renee, and Jayda.

It was without a doubt more impressive, more beautiful, and more fun. We first bought tickets to ride on the Maid of the Mist. Once we paid for our tickets (12.50 for adults, free for kids 5 and under), we walked up onto the observation deck to view the falls. While on the observation deck it started to rain.
About the time that we made it to one of the boats it was pouring. In truth, we thought that this made the boat ride even more fun. This turned out to be the funnest 25 dollars that we have spent in a while. If you make the trip to Niagara, you have to do this. For those who don't know, the boat will take you right up to the base of the falls. If you are concerned about getting wet then I would suggest you get over it because you probably will.
They do provide you with cheap rain jackets that double as souvenirs, but I would not plan on them keeping you dry.
We have some video of this, but I am not currently able to upload it onto our blog. Because this currently is not available, I found some from you tube and posted it at the bottom of our blog.
I can tell it was windy by your pancho blowing behind you.
That picture was taken after things calmed down. About 5 or 10 minutes before that picture was taken it was like standing in a windy shower. Imagine the worst rain storm you can remember in Utah, this would probably have been comparable to it.
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