I have finally started my clinical rotation. This is a picture of the Buffalo VA Medical Center, which is where I am currently observing anesthesia. It is located just across the street from UB's south campus. Friday (February 1st) was my first day of observation, and I must say it was nice to be back in the clinical setting. I have spent the last six months doing little more than book work, so this was a very nice change. I will not be starting my full rotation until May, but this will be fun because I will get the opportunity to practice, without having to be evaluated, or take responsibility for the patients well-being.
As a side note, I played basketball on Tuesday for the first time since April of last year. Actually I just shot around while other people played. Still, it was fun to do something physical. The good news is that I have not noticed any significant increase in pain with my knee.
Here are some pictures that I took of Anna today.

Janna is still doing great. She has recovered really well from surgery. We have also been very fortunate to not have Anna sick (at least not yet). Alyssa is doing well with schoool, and Ambrey seems to enjoy being home with Janna and Anna. Also, we are now pretty sure that Anna's hair is going to be
red. Not only do we have all girls, but I have three red heads (Janna, Ambrey, and Anna). Thank goodness for Alyssa, otherwise I would really be in for it.
Oh yeah, I forgot about your leg. I heard you really broke it good. Nice to know you can get on the court again. Also, it's nice to see you enjoying your chosen career path. How do you like the Buffalo area? Are you planning on staying there after finishing school? You could probably literally go anywhere because you chose a really good field to go into. The demand is very high, and probably will be forever.
We are hoping to return to Utah (if at all possible) almost as soon as I have finished the program. Buffalo is ok, there are some things that I like about it, but more that I don't. The city is extremely poor, which is too bad because down town could be pretty nice if it was taken care of. Much of it looks like the ghetto. We actually live in Williamsville, which is outside of the city, and actually pretty nice. We feel very safe here. What I really don't like about Buffalo is that it is flat, and there is rarely a clear blue sky. It is almost always cloudy. Plus it is really busy, similar to Salt Lake only worse. There are some good things about Buffalo. The people have been very friendly (as lond as you are not driving), and they have Wegmans (a pretty cool grocery store, with tons of stuff, and they provide free baby-sitting for up to one hour).
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