Looks like another Vincent trying to take her place where Vincents belong, in the dugout.
Ambrey having a good time.

Alyssa trotting in to third base.

Mom and Anna cheering Alyssa on.

Alyssa sitting with her team.
The award ceremony.
Alyssa in the "Longest Hit" competition.
I found your Blog through Chantel's and hope it's OK to link to mine. That is so great that Alyssa hit the longest ball. She is sooo much fun in our class. We are very happy that you are all here. I LOVE the pictures on your blog. Happy anniversary! (Eliza)
Sure, link our blog. It is fun to have friends look at it. By the way, you are a great teacher to Alyssa. We really appreciate all of the time and effort that you put into preparing your lessons.
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