Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Easter 2011

As I mentioned before, we are trying to catch up on some of the things that we weren't able to post that has happened since we moved from Buffalo.  This post has everything to do with our Easter celebration.
Anna cautiously climbing out onto the diving board to get one of her eggs.
The girls showing off their haul of candy.
Anna trying out one of her peeps.
Ambrey trying to chew after shoving half of her chocolate rabits ear in her mouth.
We lined up all of the girls in their Easter dresses for photos.
Anna smiling?  Or something.  I'm not quite sure what this face is all about.
Ambrey looking so sweet and innocent.  If only... (j/k).
Alyssa without her glasses on. 
Lemon meringue pie.  Mmm.  Ya, you could say I'm spoiled.

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